全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 廣州外國語愛莎文華IB國際課程 編輯:佚名
ISA Wenhua Guangzhou
Foreign Language IB College
廣州外國語 愛莎文華 IB國際課程
On April 17, 2020, ISA International Education Group and Guangzhou Foreign Language School held a signing ceremony on a cooperative education venture between the two parties. The IB International Baccalaureate Programme will be the university preparatory programmes adopted.
2020年4月17日,愛莎國際教育集團與 廣州外國語學校 隆重舉辦了"廣州外國語 愛莎文華 IB國際課程"的簽約儀式。該課程項目以IB國際大學預科課程(IBDP)為核心,與 廣州外國語學校 高中階段開展合作交流。
ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language IB College adheres to the educational concepts of the IB Programme, emphasizing learner-centered approaches, drawing on local and reaching out to the world. The school integrates the essence of Chinese and Western education to cultivate young people who have academic ability, integrity and international vision, guiding them to become lifelong learners willing to grow and change, so as to further overcome cultural differences and build “a Community for the Shared Future for Humankind”.
ISA Wenhua Guangzhou Foreign Language IB College is of great significance to not only promote the exchange between Chinese and western culture, but also to enrich the quality of international education. This contributes to optimizing the investment environment and development of Greater Bay Area. This College is committed to becoming a leading international education college in Greater Bay Area and even the world.ISA International Education Group and Guangzhou Foreign Language School join together to establish a prestigious IB College, which will surely become a new image in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.
Guangzhou Foreign Language School
In 2010, the school was rebuilt. Over the past ten years the school has become an exemplary school for high-quality and balanced development of basic education in Guangzhou, including international educational exchanges and cooperation. These distinctive characteristics have given rise to an impressive school performance.
In order to cultivate mutiple talents with "China's soul world vision", foreign language school is actively exploring international educational exchanges and cooperation opportunities. A total of three international courses, A-level, AP and IB, have been opened. Since the establishment of these international courses, the school has been awarded the Guangzhou Platform for International Exchange and Cooperation in Basic Education, the Pasch Project School of the Goethe Institute in Germany, and the U-pass Project School of the American University.
為培養具備“中國靈魂 世界眼光”的復合型國際化精英人才,外國語學校積極探索國際教育交流與合作,現已開設A-level、AP、IB共三門國際課程。國際課程自開設以來,學校先后獲評為市基礎教育國際交流與合作廣州平臺,德國歌德學院Pasch項目學校,美國大學(U-pass)項目學校。
Based on the characteristics of foreign language teaching, the school adheres to the teaching characteristics of small classes in foreign languages. On the premise of opening up the national basic required courses, there are five second foreign languages. In terms of language programme, the school has the most categories and the widest coverage among similar schools.
According to the needs of schooling, the foreign language school has built a team of excellent faculty with first-class teaching abilities. There are 3 senior teachers, 47 deputy senior teachers, 3 special-grade teachers of Guangdong Province, 3 excellent teachers of South Guangdong. 52% of the teachers have been honored different titles.
ISA International Education Group (ISAIEG)
ISA International Education Group brings together principals, curriculum experts and senior executives from many world-class schools and comprehensively draws experience from the world's latest teaching system and management and United Nations Intermediate and Long-term Fund for International Education, striving to establish institutions with the goal of developing a new type of international education in China and the Asia-Pacific region. ISAIEG embraces the vision of building multi-learning community and mission of promoting cultural integration. With the school vision of Inquire, Succeed and Act, we focus on the crafting of 21st century curriculum, brand, and the integration of highly qualified education assets. With the development of high-quality K-12 international and foreign languages schools as core, ISAIEG also develops education-related industries including sports and art training, overseas exchange programmes, language learning centers, and field trip, committed to building an internationally integrated curriculum system. By employing a holistic approach, we cultivate lifelong-learning young citizens of the world. At present, ISAIEG has five sectors: K-12 school, school operation and management output, education-related industries, education assets management and international education community operation.
愛莎國際教育集團集合多所世界的校長、課程專家及高級管理人員,綜合借鑒了世界較新式的教學體系及管理經驗,聯合國際教育中長期基金,以在中國及亞太地區發展新式國際教育為目標的國際教育機構。愛莎集團懷抱共建多元學習社區的愿景和推動全球多文化融合的使命,以“探究、成就、踐行”的辦學宗旨,專注打造核心課程及品牌,整合教育資產,以K-12 外籍人員子女學校為核心,發展的體育藝術培訓、國際游學、各國語言文化和營地教育等板塊,致力于打造國際融合的課程體系,通過全人教育,培養終身學習的世界公民。目前,愛莎集團擁有自營K-12 學校、學校運營管理輸出、教育相關產業、教育資產管理、國際教育社區運營五大板塊。
In 2015, the first school belonging to the ISA International Education Group ---- ISA International School of Guangzhou was established in Tianhe with the approval of Guangdong Education Department. The IB system of three programmes over 16-year of education, covering kindergarten, primary school, middle school and pre-college was adopted. Since the establishment of this first ISA school, the multi-cultural atmosphere and innovative curriculum system has enrolled children from Consulates, Chambers of Commerce and executives from some of the world's top 500 companies, enrolling children from about 30 countries. It is the first International school obtaining PYP and MYP Authorization of IB Programme in Zhujiang New Town, becoming the standard bearer of international education in the CBD.
2015年,愛莎國際教育集團旗下**所學校——廣州愛莎外籍人員子女學校經廣東省教育廳批準在天河設立,是一所涵蓋幼兒園、小學、中學、大學預科項目的16年一貫制 IB學校 。愛莎成立至今,多元文化的氛圍和創新的課程體系吸引了超過30個國家的領館、商會和世界五百強企業高管子女入讀,是珠江新城獲得IB國際幼小階段和初中階段認證的外籍人員子女學校,成為廣州CBD國際教育的名片。
All schools and programmes of the ISA Education Group share faculty, curriculums, sports and art facilities resources, this, comprehensively upgrading provision of quality international education in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.