全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00
來源: 圣比斯(東莞) 編輯:佚名
許多學生和家長,甚至國內外教育人士對我們圣比斯公學全球“”的G AP課程 充滿無限好奇。
今天我們特意邀請研發此課程的中英融合教育專家——圣比斯公學全球總校長Roger Sinnett先生,作為官方首次權威發布,親自為大家揭開G AP課程 的神秘面紗!
在圣比斯公學,每個圣比斯人都為公學獨自研發的、世界上的GAP 課程而感到驕傲!到底什么是GAP呢?GAP在圣比斯特公學特指:Global Awareness Programme(全球意識課程)。
全球意識課程(GAP - Global Awareness Programme)不僅僅是一門課程,也是貫徹在整個學習過程中的一種態度。學生們通過辯論、討論、演示、團隊活動組織形成解決現實世界的問題的意見和想法 。
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We start with the big idea and the big idea could be anything. For example:
“It’s every home should have a pet.”
“It could be if all the world’s leaders were women, it would be a more peaceful world.”
Could be anything. The students take that idea, and we brainstorm it as a class. When we brainstorm it, the children throw up certain ideas which we use to build the mind map. Once we done that, we got the all ideas cooking and bubbling, then we divide the students into groups. Groups of three, four, or five students.
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在整個全球意識課程(GAP - Global Awareness Programme)中,同學們需要分工合作,搜索信息、統計數據、分析總結,每個同學都在項目合作里各司其職,發揮所長。
We divide the students into groups. Groups of three, four, or five students.They elect a leader and it could be anyone of them. And each group is independent. They follow a line of thought that their discussions bring.
So they get to the teamwork, the team discusses, debates.
Then it moves on to the research side.In research, they use search engines and they create their ideas, bring them back and create an argument.And that argument actually builds a presentation.A presentation, with the stand in front of the class, and they present their findings.
In the whole GAP program, students need to work together, search information, count data, analysis and summary. Each student performs them duties and give full play to them strength.
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在全球意識課程(GAP - Global Awareness Programme)中,我們也會充分關注每位同學的成長。導師會全程錄制各個小組匯報的情況,不僅便于日后進行回放,幫助大家了解自己的優勢與不足,并提出意見和建議,引導大家日后在公共演講方面取得更大進步!