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      全國統一學習專線 8:30-21:00



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      What are we missing if we do not have a lesson underneath a lesson?


      The best way we can do this with students at such an early age is persistence and patience, but it is not always easy. The reward of being a teacher is heart filled moment when you see your students grow as individuals. When you see a student come out of their shell and improve in class, academically and morally, you know you are achieving the hidden lesson.


      There should always be a hidden lesson. I may be teaching students subjects content, how to spell cat or to recite the ABC’s, but I always find what is the lesson underneath the lesson more important.

      Primary school students, especially 1st or 2nd grade students are new to a school setting and, unless they have sibling or close relatives around their ages, being around other young learners. Until this point, life has been about them and our duty is to look beyond the ABCs.

      For that matter, this applies to any stage of education. Our role is to prepare them for school and social encounters. Our job is to get them to work together and be patient with themselves and others.

      常規的課堂中一定要一直有一個隱藏的課堂。我可能只是在教學生相關科目的知識,例如怎樣拼寫貓或者背誦英文字母表。但是我意識到在常規的課堂后 面,隱藏的課堂更加重要。對于小學生來說,尤其是1年級2年級的學生,學校的環境對于他們來說是全新的體驗。除非他們有和他們年齡相近的兄妹姐弟在身邊。 到入學前,他們是事情的中心。所以現在我們的任務就是深入到ABC 以外隱藏的教育。而這個教育可以應用到教育的任何階段。教師的角色就讓學生做好學校生活和社會生活的準備。我們的**就是讓學生們**團隊合作,對他人有 耐心,對自己有耐心。

      Every time I think about my classes and how I am preparing, I try to think about what I am really trying to teach these students.

      Am I trying to teach them how to work together or to become more independent? Am I trying to get them to listen to what I am saying and retain their attention? Am I trying to teach them to be prepared, confident presenting, or timely?

      What is my objective of this lesson and where does it begin?

      每次我在反思以及怎樣準備這些課程的時候,我都會考慮一個問題:我究竟要**我的學生什么? 是要引導他們怎樣去和團隊合作還是讓他們學習怎樣才能更加獨立? 是要花心思讓學生認真聽我所講的內容,讓(小朋友們)保持注意力集中?我是要**他們準備好自信的表達自己? 要卡時間嗎? 我這節課的授課目標是什么,而這個目標(要在課堂中)什么時候開始實行?

      A hidden lesson can go as the following, students are assigned group work, for instance creating poster about ‘Cause and Effect together.

      The main lesson is showing the understanding of cause and effect, but the hidden lesson is for students to develop their communication and team working skills. Students have to allocate what contribution each member of the team makes to complete the assignment. Some students will struggle with this more than others, but here how to resolve disagreement and conflict can also be addressed as part of the hidden lesson.

      以下的課堂設置都可以實現課中課:把學生分組制作一個關于‘原因和結果’的海報,那么主要的課程就是展示學生對原因和結果的理解,但是隱藏其中 的課程就是讓學生發展溝通交流能力和團隊合作能力。學生要分配每個小組成員的任務,然后去完成整個任務。對于有些學生來說,團隊合作會比較困難,但是怎么 樣處理意見的不統一和沖突其實也是隱藏課程的一部分。

      You may have moments of relapse and have to find the right ‘tough love’ method for students to obtain these lessons, but your persistence will pay off. Having an extra parent meeting, talking with the students for them to understand the hidden lesson or praise for personal achievements, beyond academic achievement goes miles.

      Remind yourself you are not the only person in the equation teaching these hidden lessons. Encourage the parents, the most important teachers these students will ever have, the hidden lesson will forever be more important than cramming in the periodic table or getting the perfect score on their academic test.

      你可能碰到學生的表現又倒回以前水平的時候,或者你必須用非常嚴厲的方式讓學生參與到課堂中去。但是,你要相信你的堅持和努力絕不會付諸東流。 此外,舉辦在家長會,和小學生們好好聊一聊讓他們理解隱藏課堂的重要性, 或者及時表揚他們。 請牢記你不是一個人在嘗試課中課的教學方式。 鼓勵家長參與,他們是學生成長過程中重要的老師,隱藏的課程永遠都比填鴨式周期性的教學重要,也遠比學術測試中完美的分數重要。

      Don’t forget the hidden lesson. Every teacher should have one.


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